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Farhanah Nazura
Will be dreaming all the way, no one gonna break my heart


The name is Anaa for short.
gonna be 17 this 10th dec :) ITE College East , Office skills .
Im kind , alittle shy & crazy at times .
That's whyy some of myy friends call me 'Giler' .
Heees ;D



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people i care♥ if you want me to link you, tag me ;D

MyyTumblr♥ maiiboo♥ EllyShawty♥ Diamond♥
Dina.F♥ Tashii♥ Naf jr♥ Ikah,Behbey♥
Ash M'raz♥ Ira♥


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
July 2010


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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

cume ako je tk giler !

1:05 PM

btw tat day me,ain,dina,ika,wani,wyn,kai ..
gy paya lebar,bugis ... =D
hhaha !
nk cari baju utk convo cer. tis saturday SHEY !
giler !!

ako beli baju nk dkt $40 !! shit man .
duit rayer nk kt hbis ..
kesian kn !!

hmmm .. haissssh .



12:48 PM

Monday, September 28, 2009

haha .
it was fun .. the first house i go we eat ROJAK INDIA .
second house MEE GORENG peyy pedas .. rabak .
last house mee soup ...

gerek tawu .. =D

haahah .

ada org peee pt dlm train !
gileeeeer !!

not much to type ..
Bb . TC

FYI : tmr go shopping !!!! with ain , ika , dii ! hehee !

12:11 PM

Friday, September 25, 2009

must be proud of your name .
btw im soooo soooo freaking stress .
N level one problem .
somebody .
$money$ problem .
need to Collect $ (raye) .
need to get a part time job .
CHEY bobal mcm Yeyye Orrh je .
heheeheeee !
Btul per .. aper yg tk btul ..
kayy uh .. GD NYTE EVERYONE .

moving heart Pictures, Images and Photos


10:26 PM

try on hats .. kene tak ??haha . tkda kerje lorh .. muke tk btul ..syafikah tolong org buta . kesian .. IKA ! ONE POINT FOR YOU ! DPT PAHALE !

After sch bljr sama dgn wyn dina ain ika .. at WS KFC ! i mit ika and dina first . . . .

Ain tertumpa PEPSI at ME ! aiyoyo tumbyy .. haha . anah PEKIK sheyy .. MALO !

people2 yang ada pt KFC semua tgk ... kte famous per .... SUPERSTAR LORRH ! !

hahahahaha ... ana mrpk .. jgn layan .. hahaaas . =D after dah hbis bljr , we jln2 WS .

tgk2 baju .. wyn boring bab we go to the to girls SHOP . hahahaha . kesiannnn ......

they all gy kedai , i go ATM to top-up my Pp8 . =D any question?text me .. HA HA HA ...

then i go masok kedai ... they trying hats .. so i try also larrh .. hahaha .. baju bdk kecik pon .

hahahaahaha ..

BTW today kterng bnyk tolong ORG !

me($5) ika($1) dinaa($1) donate $7 ! for the childrens day thingy ..

me($2) ika($1) give $3 to the indian lady ............. get card pooh bear .

ika dina help the blind person ... =)


hahahaha . tk yah ckp pape ... KTERNG sudah biaseeee ... hehehe ..

Currently at home .... tdy guru ngaji and family dtg uma utk berayer ..

paiseyy .. huhu .. alaaaah watever ...

kayy bdk2 ... tats it .. =D


hehee !


8:39 PM

cikgu2 pt siglap dah GILER !

10:13 AM

Thursday, September 24, 2009

soo bored .
now EBS .. hah !
lerrrrrs ..

12:21 PM

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

heyy !
tday i , dina , wyn , ika , kai , ain go bljr at Elias Mc .
haha . wyn give us test !

nvm . i got 20/20 !!
yah !!
hehee !
blik umah dpt DUIT RAYER !
tpy cume $2 jerrs ..
SEediiih .. huhu .
tkper . as long dpt . =D



12:05 PM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

raye was not that fun .. koz N level exams dah dkt !
taik btul . hee !
hmmmph !
my family and i , naek VAN . haha .
gerek jgak lah . haha . tasha JATOH on the 2nd day of RAYE .
we kids get stuck in the LIFT !
hahaah .
go up and down threee tymes ..
irrtanting btul lah !! we pekik2 !
not much to type .
Bb .

1:26 PM

Monday, September 21, 2009


8:23 AM

Friday, September 18, 2009

nary is the second last puase !!
hehee !

weeeeeeee ~

10:19 PM

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nary ase N level Muusic exam . bdk EBS tk ya gy . GEREK ! hahaha ..
so Kai nk belajar MATH . so kte bljr uh . wyn , dii , ain , kai & ME ! go bljr at WS Library .
3 tymes kena scold sama librarian . taik uh ..
buker puase ngn dii jek kt TM mc .. den gy Tamp1 beli make-up .
blik uma ddk2 jap den tros gy geylang . ngn nenek , tasha , mai n sufie ..
nk beli baju kurung ngn tudong . heehee !

10:10 PM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


10:07 PM

Monday, September 14, 2009

today go sch . LAME ! hmmmm .
walk to class not much student come . they tot holiday kot . haha . watever luh . when to sch with dina . today at sch we people tk layan gerwyn . dunno why . haha .

after sch i go home and bath , get ready to go out . mit dina , kai , fy , ain at tampines mrt . then go bugis . me , di , ain go bugis junction while fy and kai go bugis street . they look for stuff for somebody .. haha . i and dina buy wraping paper and a small card for somebody . haha . ain help di wrap the present that di bought few days before . me , write and paste to the present . after that di call elfy to ask them where are they ?. so we go bugis st. found them we walk2 .. to find the thing . when dah npk . beli .. go back to pasir ris ... we want to meet somebody ..

in the MRT train , while waiting for our stop . dina n ain asyik kacao ako je .. tk habis2 . hahaha . ckp yg ako ny tourist dari jepun ... aiyayayo .... cos ako mcm tk perna tgk singapore . lame kn .. -______-'' irritanting but funny ... hahahahahahha ..
when reach pasir ris they talk2 , aleh2 dina kate ..

dina : kte bagy anah name jepun err ..
ain : *mcm2 nama jepun ain bagy* *giggles*
kai : NAYUMI ARR ! hahahaahha .
dina : apape uh .. cne nk pangil ? *ckp nayumi in a different spelling*
ana : *ketawe* MEREPEK UH KORG ! *muke fed up*
elfy : *dgr lagu jer* *hahaha*
dina, ain, kai : * ketawe rabak2!*

da larrrh ...... sooooo da reach tempat blk SOMEBODY . =D
btw the somebody is erwyn cine . hahaha . birthday dia smlm .. hahha .. we go his rumah . kai knock the door ask for gerwyn then he said wait , he want to change baju ... so we wait .... but gerwyn tk tawu yang ada ako, di , ain ,fy !!! hahahaah . we hide near the dust bin . ahaha . when he go to the lift , we go out and say HELLOOO ! he terperanjat . ahahahahaha .... =D happy bday wyn ! we give hym his present ..

dina & anah - black T-shirt
ain - white superman T-shirt
Kai - white T-shirt
elfy - black cap

=D =D =D

gerwyn tk ckp apape pon . dia diam jek ! i have on tape ! i mean video , i video they all using dina's pone . kelakar shey .. we talk2 , ask wyn to talk but he didnt . haahha . then go bwh blk ... talk laugh somemore .. wyn tk ckp byk .huh! its almost nk buke shey .. so we all blik . i took the same bus with ain ... bus3 . ain ngn ako dah beli air 100plus can . hahah .. kat dlm bus ako dah tk sabar nk minum air .... arrrrrrrrrr . =D heheees . tkpe iman ana masey kuat . hahah ..... BTW SAPER LARR NK GY BACE POST AKO NARY ? PANJANG .... ORG PON MLS NK READ . ahahaaha .dah dah , ako merepek ... hahaha .get back to the story .

once upon a time .... AIK ?!! salah ! hahahahaha ...sooooooo , dina text me ... Dah buke . a big smile on my face . =D ain pon da ketawe2 . hahah . we open the can .... keeeeeereeeee ...... hmmm? minum je . fuuuuuuuh ! GEREK! hahaahhaha . blah blah blah .. ain tron downtwn .

so ako dah smpi umah. masok je muke nenek ana mcm marah .. ana buat bodoh je .. heheheh noti2 . hahs . then i wash my leg and mintaaaak makanan ..... LAPARRR ! ahhaa ... dah dapaat mkn diam je . hehehs ...

Oteyy people , anah nk tdo . =D
hehees .

8:55 PM

Sunday, September 13, 2009


kte dah beli baju rayeer !

8:46 PM

Friday, September 11, 2009

i woke up at 5.30am to SAHUR .
abey tros tdo ... haha .
bagun around 2pm++ aro ako bgn ..
hahah . lama sak tdo ... gerek .
rase nary mcm saturday gyto . haha .
text my BFF ! lama tk cntct . haha .kay thats it for tday .

i go pray . *ehh hmm!* *bdk baek ey?* hehe siap2 , get ready .
want to see our uncle new house at tamp BLK295 near afgan there .
kte jln and naek basikal .
kekek . ako nk topang mai ngn tasha , nnk mcm jatoh . hahaha
then daa pai ... ako ngn mai JUMP2 shey . giiiiileeeerrr .
bilik lawa giiiiiiiiillllllleeeeeeeeeeer !!! VINTAGE as you can see ...
waaaaah !
mai n me giler . ambik2 gmbr . bukan nk tolong kemas . hehs .biase laarh . kata kn ANA n MAI . haha
lepas to blik . jap2 makcik beli kn ICE CREAM MC .
tpy Mai GILE dpt yg MAHAL PEY !
no FAIR ! i get 70cent cone .
lerrrrr tkpa as long dpt mknnnn . =D
~weeeeeeeee .

8:29 PM

Thursday, September 10, 2009

haha .
im bzy text msging ppl . Pp8 nk kt mampos . tpy tk .
haha .
around 6+ i go out . meet huda in bus 17 . meet the rest at WS . ika bring her friend HAFIZ .
check2 class bdk laki kte kenal HAFIZ ni . haha . gerek .
we eat at KFC . daa biss mkn then elfy masok KFC bwk cake utk AIN .
waah ! kte semua SING HAPI BDAE SONG UTK AIN ... hehes .
ain KETAWE jeeeer . hahahah .
da celebrate kte gy geylang jln2 ..
ada mrh2 . enth lah . panas . ngntok .

soo blik . i stop at pasir ris . take bus 17 home wif huda . then sooooo sleepy i sleep .
b4 that mandy and text ppl aro tdo ..

8:25 PM

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

haha . my GCE N levels ..
arrggh . english LC was sooooo boring . i sleep . ish .
eng paper 1 and 2 was no bad . okayy2 je . its abit better than PRELIMS .

tday i was like so alone . bdk F&N ada class . not sure yet .
bdk2 ART semua daa jln kua sklh . abey ako ??! i was dgn bdk F&N in sch .
seddiiiiiiih . then i salam dorg and say BYE . some said 'Nak ako teman tk?'
ako kate tkpe uh . kesian sak ako .
then i walk fast2 . huda,eliza,ash,marg,bal,zaki,yusof ada kat busstop tk pakai .
so i go there larh . slmt .....

at WP . dina text yang TAK ADA F&N !
yes ! so i go blik ngn dina .
afternoon i meet dina and ika at tamp .
nk beli ain pey PRESENT .
we share and belikn CHIP & DALE doll and small bday CARD .
heheess .after that jln2 tegok brg2 . baju ceremony on 3october . mcm2 lagy uh ...

KTERNG PENAT ! soooo ddk pt tamp library . bobal psl GRADNTYE , CEREMONY , BDAY AIN , BUKER PT LUA .... i use dina pone to call wyn . talk abt AIN THINGY . hahaha . tkda lah ain ..kte plan psl nk kol ain 12pm to wish her HAPPY BDAY together .. gerek per ....we all talk2 , tk tgk tyme .. check2 da kol TUJUH(7pm) !soo we cpt2 gy MC at TMALL .. not much $$$ soo we just beli air .. talk2 again ... best !hahaaha . DINA IKA our talk stops here ! hahahaah . i go home ... wait for them to call .penat . mcm nk tdo gyto .. bila nk tdo dorg da kol .. slmt ....

ain talks ... we conferenes .ada dina . syafikah , gerwyn , elfy , khairul and ME ! haha . ain pon adalah .
gerek . ain tk tawu yg ada kterng semua . bey wyn bobal ngn ain ..
THEN !HAPPY BDAY AIN !!! ( we say at a diffrent tyme )hahaha . ain teros ketawe ... suker dia .khai letak pone dulu , den ika , dina , ain ...aro ako ... we all talk2 until abt 2 i tink . hahaha .

wyn text abt 10 sept . then i forward it the the rest of the girls .

8:16 PM

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fuuuuh !
penat tawu ..... bikin CIP .
first we meet up at WestPlaza .i was the first girl who reach there .
follow by margaret , dina , khairul , syafikah , gerwyn , ain , khairi , elfy .
we tot tk jdy gy bikin CIP . bab kte tk blg cikgu .tpy slmt uh jdy .
so jln gy busstop naek bus jumpe the rest at bedok there .
walk together to find teacher .dah reach , nk kene spill .
so the girls with the GIRLS . boys with the BOYS .
gerls gy daerah bedok . bois gy daerah tamp pasir ris gyto .
we girls kemas and clean the house .
the boys paint and clean the house .popam habis dulu aro lelaki .
TKKKK GEREEEEEK !!!!!!! tpy aper nk uat ... pakse lahhhh cuci .....ish.ish.ishini kah COBAAN ?! hahahaha .THEN !when cleaning khai text me , ckp psl MDM AISHAH nk TREAT KTERNG !!ape lagy ako ckp NK NK ! hahaha .
when i show the rest of the girls the msg they all mcm nk blik cpt ..hahaha .
org to mcm tk suker gyto . so we clean cpt2 .
blik MANDY ! GEREK ! i mandy two tymes .
hahaha ito pon nk blg . LOL

Meet marg n huda at my busstop go Tamp MRT , meet up ain,dina,ika,razali .wait for the rest of the boys at PAYA LEBAR there . too long ... nk dekat buker nii .sooo kte2 jln dulu .. gy CITY PLAZA jumpe cg kt Arnord ... salam n masok ..
DAH buke .
bdk laki lom smpi2 lagy .. hahaha .
then few minutes later aro dorg smpi .
i sit on table with marg , huda and iqbal . eat AYAM , FRIES , ICE KACANG ...
AFTER THAT ,jumpe elly and siti . jln gy bazaar .
mit nuttynad .dah penat duduk pt tangga mcm bdk TAIK . hahahahhaha .
sooo bdk popam nk blik dulu . i saw my cuzin .. so i go blik ngn dorg ..

thats it . =D


7:47 PM