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Farhanah Nazura
Will be dreaming all the way, no one gonna break my heart


The name is Anaa for short.
gonna be 17 this 10th dec :) ITE College East , Office skills .
Im kind , alittle shy & crazy at times .
That's whyy some of myy friends call me 'Giler' .
Heees ;D



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people i care♥ if you want me to link you, tag me ;D

MyyTumblr♥ maiiboo♥ EllyShawty♥ Diamond♥
Dina.F♥ Tashii♥ Naf jr♥ Ikah,Behbey♥
Ash M'raz♥ Ira♥


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
July 2010


Layout Designer:

Sunday, November 29, 2009

haissh . nothing to do .
work been cancel.fuck!
my sister,cuzin and i gonna go swensen . watever laa the name spelled .
hahaha .

now currently at sufie's house . update jap .
at 5pm get ready lurrh .

3:43 PM

Friday, November 27, 2009

HAHA ! me and my four SISTERS go airport to play FREEEEEEEE wireless internet at airport . hahah . saw dina at her new werk place . so cute . hahaha . btw gaji lom msok sia . huhu :( .
tkpe2 . hee . kayy im in the hurry now .

soo tmr got werk at 7am . aiyoo hope i can get up on tyme .. heeee !

10:20 PM

(2pm, ana nurul wiah mai)
(2am, ana mai)

me , my sister MAI and Makcik when to Mcd at 2 in the morning . haha .
we took pictures . i eat Filet O fish , fries and the NEW burger ! Grilled Chicken .
waah Sedaapppppppp . (=
when we go to Tmart , i remembered tat my Grandma said tat there got people die in the girls toilet .
OMGG ! haha . (more info go to Mai's blog)
lazy to type .

heeh .

till den BYE !

10:08 PM

pics at aiport . actually got more .. lazy uh want to put .

4:04 PM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

im feeling so wrong ryte now .
confused .
hmmm .
its so irri's at home ryte now .
aiyoo .
haissh .
i wanna change job .
lazy go far far .
maybe tmr go out wif my sisters and sufie ,me cuzin .
go eat2 . maybe je .
not comfym lurrh .
haha .
my sister maii is so annoying .
hahahaha !

love you,
Farhanah Nazura =DD


9:44 PM

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

missing the 4T1 .
December is coming n our GCE 'N' level result is coming .
arrrghh .
i hope i can pass .
and also the rest .

Peace Out.

5:51 PM

Sunday, November 22, 2009

9am - 5pm werkking at suntec convention centre
lerrr . then in a hurry , rush2 go mit my family . wanna go bugis .
buy something . my mama buy me something from diva .
after tat go e!hub watch Chirsmas Carol . the show was FUN ! haha .
then go WS . all the shop was closed . but still tasha wanted to buy her friends bday gift .
hahha . thats it . if wanna read more , go to my small sis blog .
she update more . and more pics there . haha .

till den ,
bbyye !

loved ,
Farhanah Nazura

8:30 PM

Friday, November 20, 2009

it was fun tat day . vvery thing when ryte .
hahah . actually noo . hahaha . wateva uh .
not much to update . Btw hope naf will last long wif hym .
and mee . hah . so i be werkking tmr evening till late at nyte .
so yah . sory if ur faces are not in the pictures .
is great to mit some of myclassmates there .
i have fun .
thx for everything , and ppl if i did wrong , am sorry .
hee !
byee !

11:35 PM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

haha . gradnyte !!!
arrrggggh !
no shoes la sheyy !
huhu ..

all the best for kte arr !
cnt wait to see our 4T1 !!
haahahahah !!!

later we take photos arrr .
haha .

ain dina siti are now at my house .
they doing make up lorr .


2:38 PM

Friday, November 13, 2009

im bored .
hope jdy tis sundayy go watch movie 2012 wif the 4t1 .
haha !

me n my werrk frens are thief at the hotel !
SShhhhhhhhhh . hehee !
i want to go out sheyy .
-______- ''

7:43 PM

MAI & ME !
dol dol sak kte .
btw kn mai rebon rmbt .
jus now in the salon i SLEEP .
wah syiok ar . some more rainning .
hahah .

den go TM , ter-mit eliza,mar,huihui !
waaah ! terkejut sia . hahah . hug lyk hell .
hui hui beli gradnyte shirt . mar buy shoes .

den when to WS . den go bck home .
ala lame .
btw ako dah beli gradnyte baju ! heh !

i nvr go to werrk . cabut . tk nk bikin APEC 09!
hahaahah . sshhhhhhhhhhhh .
heheheeh . dun want to serve lorrrh .

6:52 PM

i found myy facebook password !
yeah ! but idk a thing ABT fb !
hahahaahah ..
LAME sia .

6:35 PM

Thursday, November 5, 2009

tday im nt werking . got off .
tmr also . -____-''
sad sia . boring laarrrh weiii .
haha -
now at mc Airport . post jap lar hor .
im with dina . jus now eat breakfast . she treat me ..
i no money ... huhu ~
sat then werkk . i need a dress !!!!
hahah . btw the dress i wanted at far east is GONE !?
wat the freak ! wth !! haissssssh .
now tkk tawu nkk gy mne ..
kayy uhs ..
tataa fer now =D

9:20 AM

Monday, November 2, 2009

There may be miracles awaiting .
They may be closer than we know .
When we have love to guide as we go .

heart Pictures, Images and Photos


There is a difference only you can make .

heart Pictures, Images and Photos


Labels: ,

9:18 PM

(from left; Husna, Aisyah, Anaa, Dina, Siti)
yo .
muke ana tkk perlu . up there is myy frens at werk . hee .
today werk tkk penat sgt ahh .
but kaki penat .
hahaha . we tday terlmbt msk werk larrh sheyy .
kena mrh larrh woii . smpi tkk mkn LUNCH !
haiisssssh . eskk gy cpt2 uh . hah !
kte bis werk 5pm bey teros gyy canteen !
berebut siak cari mkn . hahah .
dpt mkn nasi apetah . hahah . tpy sedaap ah .
ambik roti byk siol . hahah . tkk habis . air tambah2 .
hahah .we kecoh siak . semua tgk2 kterrng .
hahahhaahah !

eskk after werk 5pm . soo fikir nk gy far east plaza .
soo yaaah . maybe me dina siti elly going . we just want to window shopping .
haha . but not sure going tkk . hee .

tday 2nov . left 14 more days till graynyte . baju maseh tkda .
waiting for myy pay . maybe get on the 11th nov .
sooooo tunggu jelarrrh . hahah .

till here ppl ! TC ! imy4t1 !

With Love,
Farhanah Nazura =D

8:46 PM